Machvergil Comic number 043

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Aion Open Beta now actualy an Open Beta

September 9th, 2009

So I’ve been playing in the Aion open  beta since Sunday, and while I was gonna wait to say anything about it until I had made some videos to go with, the one issue with the “open beta” is that it hasn’t really been open.  Rather, you had to either have already pre-ordered the game, or be a paying FilePlanet subscriber.

Now some of us were already planning on buying the game on day1, so we went ahead and pre-ordered to get in, but having such requirements is still poppycock for an “open beta” – which is why I’m happy to report they lifted them.  Open Beta is now open to the North American public, going on until this coming Sunday.

You can go here to sign up, here to get the client, here to learn more about the game’s basics and lore, and here’s a good thottbot/WoWHead style service to plug into.  Hope you enjoy it as much as I have!

PS: For those of you wondering, it’s apparently pronounced “Ion,” like “Ion cannon.”  The A is silent I guess.  Signs of a foreign game clearly.

Canabalt! Eff yeah!

September 8th, 2009

Play it.  Become one with your daring escape from a city under attack. I am so hopelessly hooked to this.  Expect to see high score posts. update

September 1st, 2009

Hey guys, just wanted to let you know I updated my portfolio again.  This time I’ve added two new sites I made with University Relations for you to look at.  Please take the time to check them out and tell me what you think! 🙂

Monsters Den – Book of Dread

September 1st, 2009

Found another amusing one on Kongregate called “Monsters Den – Book of Dread.”  This one has a cool old-school D&D dungeon crawl feel to it, and even lets you customize your party before you begin.  It’s a dungeon crawl though, don’t expect much in story and I’m not entirely sure it ever ends, but I’ve found it amusing.

Random 5person assault on Ogrimmar

August 28th, 2009

So buddy knew a guy on his server in WoW who’s account ends today.  I have an 80 on the server, so he asked if I could help celebrate his departure by killing horde.  We basically proceeded to screw with people in Ogrimmar for a bit (since we could only get 5 of us), and I only had the presence of mind to record one of our awesome fights.  This is the one I remembered to record, enjoy!

Watch more videos of WoW

New Penny Arcade/PvP Dungeons and Dragons Podcast

August 28th, 2009
PA/PvP D&D 3 - ep 1 image

The third adventure of Acquisitions Incorporated begins!  I’m like a little boy who learned new episodes of Ninja Turtles begin today.

The Cataclysm Test

August 24th, 2009

Okay, if you have the time, I need you to do me a favor.   First, watch the Trailer to the 3rd World of Warcraft Expansion, Cataclysm. Then, leave a comment with the following:

  1. If you are a current or former subscriber to World of Warcraft, or if you’ve never owned a WoW account.
  2. If this trailer motivates you to either begin/resume/continue your subscription to the game.
  3. Any thoughts as to why the trailer made you think the way it did.

I’m building up a theory regarding Blizzard’s recently announced expansion at BlizzCon, but I need more feedback than my own mind.  I’m gonna give this a week, then I’ll share my thoughts on the matter.

Thanks in advance! 🙂

Guild Wars 2 Trailer

August 20th, 2009

They released a trailer for Guild Wars 2 today.  I found it quite epic 🙂

Watch more videos of GW2

Of course, this trailer doesn’t have any gameplay footage (some in-engine footage) so it’s nothing to get too excited about yet, but I do like where it’s headed.  It’ll be interesting to see if this comes out in any reasonable amount of time soon.


August 19th, 2009

Just a quick note, I updated WordPress today and did some general house cleaning.  If I accidentally deleted your user account, I’m sorry but I had a lot of spammers to clear out.  Also the RSS should work again, but I’m not 100% sure.

Man I like this latest update.

Aion Online – gameplay videos

August 17th, 2009

So in the wake of WoW slipping further and further down my approval charts, I intent to try out Aion Online next month when it releases on Sept. 22.  I had only marginal interest in the game until I could see gameplay videos since well trailers prove nothing – seeing how the game is actually played goes much farther.  Here are links to some of my favorites (I highly recommend you watch these in HD).

Low level magic user (mage?) gameplay

Level10 Job change quest (complete with short cutscene!)

Mid level Gladiator grinding (Wooo two-handers)

Solo assassin ganking

Cleric Areal PvP “The Nightmare of Ashucatan” Part 1 / Part 2

Enjoy 🙂

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